efforts needed to effectively control FADs
sizes and ages of target catch compared with free-school caught tuna, increased difficulty of properly assessing the status of individual tuna populations…”
Above statements are excerpts from the preamble of the resolution adopted by the IUCN in the World Conservation Congress (WCC) held in the Republic Korea, 6-15 September, 2012. It explains the fundamental problem concerning the use of FADs to catch tunas. The resolution called on Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) to establish har vest control rules. It further called on tuna RFMOs and governments to take steps to improve the traceability of tuna catch, as well as to minimize illegal, unregulated and unreported tuna fishing. It goes without saying that the tuna RFMOs and their member governments, being responsible for ensuring sustainable tuna resources and fisheries, should establish rules to control FAD use.
The present situation in the Western andCentral Pacific Ocean
in terms of FAD use seems to be posing a serious and real problem causing
overfishing. Namely, the total fishing days by using FADs increased to 21,500 days
in 2011 from 13,032 in 2010 in the region against the introduction of a 3-month
period banning the use of FADs. The measures were apparently not effective. The
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and its member
governments are required to give serious attention to such a fact and make
their best efforts to introduce more effective measures. Sustainable tuna
fisheries in the region would become just a dream unless virtually ef fective
measures are implemented. Differences in interests between advanced nations and
developing nations should be overridden in dealing with this problem.
“Aware that approximately half of the global tuna catch comes from
fisheries that employ Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), but the information on
the exact number of FADs deployed and their locations is generally not shared
with fisheries scientists and managers”
“Concerned about the impacts from the unconstrained use of FADs
including, inter alia, large increases in fishing mortality of juvenile
Yellowfin and Bigeye, differences insizes and ages of target catch compared with free-school caught tuna, increased difficulty of properly assessing the status of individual tuna populations…”
Above statements are excerpts from the preamble of the resolution adopted by the IUCN in the World Conservation Congress (WCC) held in the Republic Korea, 6-15 September, 2012. It explains the fundamental problem concerning the use of FADs to catch tunas. The resolution called on Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) to establish har vest control rules. It further called on tuna RFMOs and governments to take steps to improve the traceability of tuna catch, as well as to minimize illegal, unregulated and unreported tuna fishing. It goes without saying that the tuna RFMOs and their member governments, being responsible for ensuring sustainable tuna resources and fisheries, should establish rules to control FAD use.
The present situation in the Western and